Halal Recipe for Waterzooi

Halal Recipe for Waterzooi

Besides Hutspot, the Netherlands also has a very popular winter dish, namely Waterzooi. Before using chicken as the basic ingredient for making it, this culinary dish is made from marine fish or freshwater fish originating from the Ghent area.

Waterzooi is a special dish in the form of a soup consisting of pieces of leek, carrots, onions, and chicken pieces that have been boiled with spices. Waterzooi has a texture similar to creamy soup so it is perfect served with a slice of bread or a piece of boiled potato that is often done by Dutch people.

Halal Recipe for Waterzooi 


  •     Take 200 grams of chicken fillet
  •     Take 1 onion
  •     Take 2 cloves of garlic, crush it
  •     Provide 2 potatoes (do not peel the skin)
  •     Use 2 carrots
  •     Prepare 1 leek
  •     Take 1 stalk of celery
  •     Take 50 grams of butter
  •     Take 1 tablespoon of flour
  •     Take 1 bay leaf
  •     Prepare 1/2 tsp oregano
  •     Prepare 150 ml of cooking cream / 1/2 tablespoon of flour + 1 tablespoon of full cream milk
  •     Prepare 350 ml of water
  •     Take salt, pepper powder
  •     Prepare 1/2 spring onion for sprinkling

How to Make Waterzooi

  1. Clean the chicken, cut into pieces according to taste. (I cut into small cubes).
  2. Wash all vegetables, carrots and potatoes, cut into large pieces. The onions and celery are also finely chopped.
  3. Boil water in a saucepan, add potatoes, carrots, scallions, celery, oregano, bay leaves to a boil. Then add the chopped chicken and cook until the carrots and potatoes are tender.
  4. Remove chicken, carrots and potatoes using a sieve, set aside.
  5. Remove the bay leaf, then strain the garlic, onions, scallions and celery leaves. Finely blend using a little chicken cooking water, set aside.
  6. Using a different non-stick pan, melt the butter, add the flour, stir until there are no lumps. Add the ingredients that have been in the blender, mix well. Then pour the heavy cream, stir again. Add the chicken boiled water, then add salt and pepper powder, taste correction.
  7. Add chicken, carrots and potatoes. Cook until the gravy boils and thickens. Sprinkle sliced ​​onions. Turn off the stove. Ready to be served.

This Recipe is Halal Insha Allah

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Halal Recipe for Waterzooi
Halal Recipe for Waterzooi
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