Halal Recipe For Minang Beef Rendang


Minang Halal Beef Rendang Recipe

As is known, rendang is processed beef cooked with coconut milk and various spices for quite a long time. Favored by many people and become the most delicious food in the world.

Rendang is an authentic Indonesian meat dish originating from Minangkabau. This dish is produced from a long low-temperature cooking process using a variety of spices and coconut milk. The Rendang cooking process took hours (usually around four hours) until all that was left were the dark, black pieces of meat and bran. At room temperature, rendang can last for weeks. Rendang which is cooked in a shorter time and the coconut milk has not dried out is called kalio, which is light golden brown in color.

Insha Allah this food is Halal

Minang Halal Beef Rendang Recipe

The actual filling of rendang can be varied, such as meat, egg, tempeh, chicken, and a small meat and potato mixture called potato rendang.


  • 1 kg beef (head meat is good) 
  • 1 turmeric leaf 
  • 3 lime leaves 
  • 2 bay leaves 
  • Coconut milk from 4 coconuts 
  • 3 tablespoons salt Fine 


  • 100 gr red onion 
  • 100 gr garlic 
  • 150 gr curly red chili 
  • 1 knuckle ginger 
  • 2 finger laos 
  • 3 lemongrass sticks 

How to make Minang Halal Beef Rendang: 

  1. Cut the meat into squares and mash the ground spices with a blender or grindstone . 
  2. Prepare a frying pan, put all the ingredients and ground spices. Then cook all the ingredients over high heat until they boil, stirring frequently. 
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat to medium. Stir and cook until coconut milk releases oil. 
  4. After the coconut milk releases the oil, reduce the heat again. Then stir occasionally so that the rendang doesn't burn and cook until the rendang dries. 
  5. If you want dry rendang, it will take about eight hours to cook.

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