Halal Recipe for Papeda


Papeda is a food in the form of sago porridge typical of Maluku and Papua which is usually served with tuna or mubara fish seasoned with turmeric. Papeda is white and has a sticky texture resembling glue with a bland taste. Papeda is a food that is rich in fiber, low in cholesterol, and quite nutritious.

This sago-based food is usually a staple food, just like rice. You who want to enjoy it, can eat papeda with vegetables and dishes.

Insha Allah this Recipe is Halal

Halal Recipe for Papeda

  • Half a kg of sago or sago flour
  • 3 liters of water
  • 2 limes
  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • Medium sized pot
  • Medium size basin
  • 1 spoon made of wood
  • 1 piece of filter

How to make papeda:

  1. Boil water until boiling. Meanwhile, prepare the sago in a bowl or plate and add orange juice, salt, and cold water to taste. Stir in the liquid sago and then filter it.
  2. When the water is boiling, pour the water into the prepared sago while stirring until it is cooked. Keep stirring so that it cooks evenly.
  3. Papeda is ready to be served with vegetables and dishes.

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