Halal Recipe for Quesadilla

Halal Recipe for Quesadilla

 Quesadilla is a typical Mexican food that is shaped like a cake. Not only that, but the quesadilla will be filled with processed meat that has been mixed with cheese and tomato sauce as a complement. This dish is not only delicious but will feel fresh when eaten.

Meat cooked as this dish can vary. There is a quesadilla made of chicken.

But some people actually like the quesadilla made from beef. The reason is quite simple, because it feels more savory and delicious.

Halal Recipe for Quesadilla


  •     400 g chicken breast fillet, chopped
  •     1/2 tsp salt
  •     1/2 tsp pepper powder
  •     2 slices of tortilla bread, ready to use
  •     50 g grated cheddar cheese
  •     75 lettuce lettuce, coarsely chopped

Tomato Salsa, mix well:

  •     300 g tomatoes, seeds removed, diced 3 mm
  •     1 scallion, thinly sliced
  •     2 tbsp coriander leaves, coarsely chopped
  •     1 red chili, seeds removed, finely chopped
  •     1/2 tsp salt
  •     1/2 tsp pepper powder
  •     1 tbsp lemon juice
  •     1/2 tsp cumin

Guacamole, mix well:

  •     200 g avocado flesh, mashed
  •     50 g onion, finely chopped
  •     1/2 tsp salt
  •     80 g tomatoes, cut into 5 mm dice
  •     1 tsp coriander leaves, coarsely chopped
  •     2 green chilies, thinly sliced

How to make Quesadilla:

  1.     Heat oil, saute chicken until cooked, season with salt and pepper. Lift.
  2.     Prepare tortilla bread, heat it in a pan until brown, remove from heat.
  3.     Take 1 bread tortilla, spread the inside of the bread with guacamole sauce until smooth. Season with tomato salsa, lettuce, and sauteed minced chicken. Cover again with tortilla bread. Cut into 8 pieces, serve.

This Recipe is Halal Insha Allah

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